Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams was born in 1902 in San Fransisco. When Adams was four there was a aftershock that changed his life and broke his nose. Adams then had problems fitting in at school. Adams then was diagnosed with dyslexia witch made it really hard to be good in school. He then got home schooled and got a diploma stating he had completed the eight grade from Mrs. Kate Willkins Private School. Adams loved the outdoors. At age 12 he taught himself the piano. Later on he gave up piano for photography.1927 was the year Adams life took a tole on photography. It was the year his first fully photograph, Monolith, the Face of Half Dome was found.

i chose this picture because i love all the detail you can take out of it. the water going to a slow movement. The rocky land on the side of the water. The clouds themselves hold most of the detail. With how this picture holds the three different types of clouds. Adams captured in one picture.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Found Panorama

I like this picture because how it shows the park on the side then filed on the other, and if you look close you can see houses or a city in the back

I like this picture because of the way it shows the city then the trees and woods kinda setting going on in the back.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Found Faces Story

Hello! My name is Cooper Cupper. It's just a normal day here at Newberg High School. I'm hard at work in the math classroom. That's what my job is of course. I sit upon our teachers desk. I hold the pencils and pens that his hands are to be busy to be carrying. I keep them a little warm home while he's hard at work. This wasn't always my job. I used to travel to all the elementary schools here in Newberg. I went school by school every year to meet new friends and make memories. After i visited every elementary school I thought what better job then seeing all the friends I made all grown up and help them with their high school lives? So here I am waiting for you and all your friends to come join the high school and help be a helping friend!   

You can even meet the rest of the Cupper family. Cassie Cupper is my sister. She works just a few classrooms down. Her job is to hold the cool pencil tops and erasers. My Mother, Carrie Cupper works in the front office and is in charge of keeping your drink nice and cool. Then there's my Father, Charlie Cupper. He's down in the gym making sure everyone stays hydrated. We're all there looking out for you girls and boys. Making sure high school is safe and mostly just full of good times!

Some of my friends wonder why I chose this for my job. Its easy cause I love all of you, but its also because whats better than having a choir room you get all to yourself once the lights come off and the students go home? Nothing. My favorite thing to do once everyone goes home, is to walk over to the choir room. Then just scream and sing as loud as I can. I love to sing my heart out. I'm a helper by day, singer by night.

Uh-Oh here comes the math teacher, i better stop my writing and get back to work! Glad talking to you all! Can't wait to see you all here in the big school! :-)

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